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What can make baby skin glow?

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It is usual for the parents to expect their little princess or angel to be healthy and have glowing skin. But how to glow baby skin, What are the best baby skin whitening products and practices to keep your baby’s skin soft, smooth, and radiant? In this Blog, we will share a few tips to help you make your baby skin glowing.

How is baby skin different from adult skin?

Baby skin is soft and delicate compared to that of adult skin. Baby skin is also more sensitive and also susceptible to dryness or irritation. Baby skin is slightly acidic in nature and it is referred to as an acidic mantle with the pH value of 5.5. It also has less natural oils and melanin, which protect the skin from sun damage and environmental factors. Baby skin needs special care and attention to maintain its natural moisture and barrier function.

How to cleanse baby skin?

It is One of the most crucial steps to keep your baby’s skin healthy and glowing. 

  • Cleanse your baby gently and regularly.
  • You should wash your baby’s body gently and diaper area at least once a day.
  • Give them a full bath two or three times a week with a specially formulated baby bar. 
  • You should avoid using hot water, harsh soaps, or products that contain harmful chemicals, or fragrance . Harmful ingredients can strip the skin of natural oils and cause dryness or irritation. 
  • You should use lukewarm water and mild, hypoallergenic, pH-5.5 balanced products that are specially formulated and dermatologically tested for baby skin. 
  • You can also use a soft washcloth or cotton ball to gently wipe your baby’s face and eyes.

How to moisturize your baby skin?

Another best way to make your baby’s skin glow is to moisturize after every bath. Moisturizing lotion helps to lock in the moisture content of the baby skin and prevent the skin from becoming dehydrated. It also helps to treat dryness or irritation and protect the skin from environmental changes. You should use a gentle, fragrance-free, non-allergenic, pH balanced moisturizer that is suitable for baby skin. You can also massage your baby with baby oils or natural oil like coconut oil, or almond oil that aid in improving blood circulation of the body and skin tone. Baby massage also relaxes your baby and lets him or her have a good sleep. This helps to have glowing and healthy skin as well.

Is it possible to protect your baby skin from sun rays?

Direct Exposure to the sun rays can damage your baby sensitive skin and cause sunburn, pigmentation, premature ageing, and even skin cancer. Therefore, you should always protect your baby’s skin from the sun by keeping them in the shade, dressing them in loose-fitting, long-sleeved clothes, hats, and sunglasses. Apply sunscreen cream with at least SPF 30 that is safe for babies. It is better to avoid exposing your baby to direct sun rays. You should also reapply sunscreen cream enriched with zinc oxide every two hours if your baby is sweating too much.

How to nourish baby skin from within?

Eating healthy foods and maintaining a healthy diet of your baby’s skin increases the glow of the baby’s skin. Nourish your baby’s skin from within, by providing them with enough hydration. Make them drink more water, breast milk, or health enriched formula. Provide them with a balanced diet as they grow older that includes fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and healthy fats. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids that help to maintain the skin’s natural glow, and healthy growth.

Things to consider while choosing the best baby skin whitening products

If you want to enhance your baby’s natural glow of the skin, you may use some of the many baby skin whitening products available in the market to increase the brightness of your little one. However, you should carefully choose the best baby whitening baby products to apply on your baby’s delicate skin. 
Some of these baby whitening products contain harmful ingredients or chemicals that can cause serious side effects. It is always good to choose products made of natural ingredients and free of harmful chemicals and are specifically designed and dermatologically tested products. It is also good to choose baby products that have pH 5.5 balanced products. It is also best to prefer natural remedies that are safe and effective for baby skin whitening. 

Natural Remedies That Can Be Used For Glowing Skin

Some of these natural remedies are:


Yogurt contains lactic acid that is gentle and enhances the natural brightness of the skin. You can apply yoghourt on your baby’s face and leave it for 10 minutes and then gently wash with water or clean with wet cloth.


Lemon contains vitamin C that boosts collagen production and reduces pigmentation. Take a cotton ball dipped in some lemon juice and gently dab it on your baby’s face and leave it for 5 minutes. Then wash it off with water.


Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that enhances the skin’s natural texture. You can apply some combination like turmeric powder with milk and apply it on your baby’s face  and leave it for 15 minutes. Then wipe it off with a damp cloth. 

Aloe vera: 

Aloe vera has soothing and locks moisture of your baby skin that hydrates and heals the skin. You can extract some fresh aloe vera gel from aloe vera leaf and apply it on your baby’s face for 20 minutes. Then wipe it off just with wet cloth. Before undergoing any natural remedies it is crucial to take care of your baby’s health.


Baby skin naturally glows, but since it is so sensitive, extra care and attention must be given. You can make your baby’s skin glow and avoid any issues that can harm its health and looks by using the advice we provided in this blog post. While enjoying the priceless times with your child, keep in mind to always check your physician before applying any creams or cures to their skin. 

Nivethitha Sridharan

Nivethitha is a mother of two children and has a great interest in writing as an experienced mother. She publishes educational and interesting articles on baby care and also assists parents in selecting the finest baby products for their baby’s skin and well-being. She focuses on infant skin care and health issues. She also provides suggestions and guidance on baby care and avoids common skin disorders in newborns. Nivethitha likes studying and writing about new and innovative ideas that might assist people in finding solutions to their problems. She feels that content writing is an effective means of communicating thoughts and information to the world.