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The Art of Newborn Baby Massage

The Art of Newborn Baby Massage: Benefits and Techniques for Bonding and Development

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A soothing practice performed with young children to soothe them, newborn baby massage offers more benefits than just alleviation. Parents can form strong bonds with their young children in this way. It might benefit health in a variety of ways. They can help with gas or cramps, bring parents and children closer, and possibly even help premature newborns grow more quickly. Soothing baby massages have been more popular since earlier days.

Baby massage benefits

In addition to providing a host of possible baby massage benefits on health, it is also an excellent means of fostering the relationship between parent and kid. It is considered to be the best newborn bonding activity.

  • Bonding and Emotional Connection: Soothing newborn massage is a touch language. It helps build trust, understanding and strong emotional bonds between parents and baby by touching each other gently. Parents use touch to make kids feel safe and cosy. This helps them to have a good friendship early on.
  • Common Ailments: Some tales and research demonstrate that soothing newborn massage can help relieve discomfort from common infant ailments such as:
    • Massage’s soothing strokes and motions may assist in releasing trapped gas, providing comfort to a newborn with a lot of gas.
    • Massages may aid with colic symptoms by reducing crying and suffering.
    • Constipation: Some forms of massage may aid digestion, which may alleviate constipation.
  • Easing Muscular Tension and Discomfort: The soothing newborn massage moves can help with muscle tightness and body aches, giving the newborn comfort when they’re feeling upset or whiny.
  • Supporting Growth in Preterm Infants: Some studies hint that massaging babies could help preterm infants grow and develop better, maybe making them healthier during the first important years of their life.
  • Improved Sleep Patterns: Some people say that babies who get massages might sleep better, but we don’t have proof for this. If true, it can help parents and infants both rest properly.

It’s important to remember that although people have seen these good points in some studies, more research is needed. This will help prove and understand newborn baby massage benefits better.

When to Start Newborn Baby Massage?

The good thing about baby massage is that it’s easy and everyone can do it. Starting touch from birth is important, especially with close skin-to-skin care or kangaroo care. This helps make a strong bond between the baby and the adult. It’s essential to know signals from your baby – touch signs will help you start giving massages.

Frequency of Baby Massage

Newborn baby massages can happen every day or once in two days. This depends on what the parent and baby feel comfortable with. Making massages just for certain times of the day, like in the morning or before bedtime can greatly help your kid to feel more relaxed.

Also, Read our Blog – How to Massage a Newborn Baby?

Infant Massage Techniques

Making a calm and comfy place is very important to have a good baby massage time. Employing the right Infant massage techniques can significantly enhance the effectiveness and the bonding experience:

Setting the Ambiance:

Comfortable Environment: Pick a cosy, silent and calm spot without disturbance where both you and your baby feel relaxed.
Appropriate Positioning: Putting your baby in a soft, safe place – such as a changing table or bed with a towel can be a great place for massage time.
Gradual Introduction: Start by slowly taking off your baby’s clothes, keeping eye contact and whispering to tell them the massage is starting.

Gentle Motions and Gradual Start:

Starting Slowly: Start the massage with soft and slow movements on your baby’s body. Make sure it is gentle so they feel relaxed.
Gradual Progression: Start at the head and go slowly to your feet. Take time for each body part so you both feel relaxed together. Enjoy it!

Communication and Engagement:

Maintaining Communication: Always speak softly to your baby, using their name and easy words like “calm.” Make sure they feel connected and safe during the massage.
Storytelling or Singing: Tell a story or sing an old children’s song to get your baby’s focus and add some calmness while giving the massage.

Consideration for Oils:

Choosing the Right Oil: Picking the right oil can make your massage even better. Choose oils without smell and safe to eat, making sure they’re okay for your baby’s soft skin. Mateo Baby Massage oil is specially crafted for baby skin to engage yourself in newborn bonding activities in confidence. It is hypoallergenic and pH 5.5 balanced. It protects the newborn skin from environmental changes. The natural ingredients used in Mateo baby oil have a soothing effect that nourishes baby skin and keeps them healthy.
Patch Test: Before using the oil in your baby’s massage, first do a small spot check on their skin to make sure they don’t have any bad reactions. This is extra important if the baby has sensitive or allergy-prone skin.

Remember, every baby is different and how they react to massage may change. Watch your baby’s signs and how comfortable they are. Then change what you do or say to make them feel better. The main aim is to make a caring and happy time that strengthens the connection between you and your child.

Choosing Oils for Baby Massage

When selecting oils for infant massage, it is essential to evaluate both the benefits and the risks. Each type of oil, from mineral oils to mustard oil, has its ideas about how it works and how it may harm your skin.

Safety Recommendations

When giving infant massages, it is critical to prioritise safety. Use only safe oils on your baby’s skin, assist their arms and legs during massage, and keep a close eye on them if they appear agitated or uncomfortable.


It takes time and effort to learn how to provide a baby massage. Putting the trip ahead of hasty perfection allows parents and kids to enjoy it while naturally deepening their bond.

Nivethitha Sridharan

Nivethitha is a mother of two children and has a great interest in writing as an experienced mother. She publishes educational and interesting articles on baby care and also assists parents in selecting the finest baby products for their baby’s skin and well-being. She focuses on infant skin care and health issues. She also provides suggestions and guidance on baby care and avoids common skin disorders in newborns. Nivethitha likes studying and writing about new and innovative ideas that might assist people in finding solutions to their problems. She feels that content writing is an effective means of communicating thoughts and information to the world.