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Newborn Baby Massage

How to Massage a Newborn Baby?

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Massaging with baby massage oil is an excellent way to create a bond with your little one and it also has numerous health benefits. Many researches studies the health benefits of newborn baby massage that can enhance the immune system, gain in weight, motor skills, and emotional balance. It helps your little one to get relaxed, sleep better and also helps digestive issues.

But it is common for new parents to have a question about when to start massaging your little one or how to massage a baby with baby massage oil. You can start massaging your baby immediately after birth as long as they feel the comfort. It is crucial to consult your paediatrician if your little one is not active or feeling discomfort at any cause.

In this article we will discuss in detail through the steps of how to massage newborn baby, and what baby massage oil or lotion can be used to enhance your baby massaging experience

What Do You Need For A Newborn Baby Massage?

The following things that are to be considered while preparing for a baby body massage.

  • A calm place with low light
  • A towel or blanket for the little one to lie on.
  • A natural oil like coconut oil, avocado oil or baby oil that specifically designed for baby delicate skin
  • If you like you can have some relaxing music or sounds to make massaging more relaxed.

How To Massage Newborn Baby?

Here are a few baby massage tips that might help you while you are massaging your baby.Determine that your child is in a good mood and not hungry, tired, or fussy before beginning the massage. 
You may also tap them in the stomach while requesting permission by stating, “Can I give you a massage?” If they coo or smile, you may continue. You can try again later if they cry or walk away.
To massage your infant, follow the step by step baby massage

Step 1: Provide comfort for the infant. 

Lay them on their back on the towel or blanket while removing their clothing (or leaving their diaper on). Throughout the massage, make sure to keep eye contact with your infant and use a low voice. If you’d like, you can also hum or sing to them.

Step 2: Use alimentary oil

By rubbing some infant massage  oil in your hands, you can warm it up. Use a little bit, and stay away from mineral oil and other inedible oils because they could hurt your baby’s stomach if they consume them. Additionally, stay away from using oils that use fragrance or oils derived from common allergens like peanuts or almonds because they might irritate your baby’s skin. 
Use Mateo baby oil that specifically designed baby’s delicate skin and moisturises them effectively. It is a composition of apricot oil, almond oil, sesame oil and enriched with Vitamin E that is essentially good for baby skin health.

Step 3: Apply light rubbing motions.

Work your way up to your baby’s head starting with their feet. 
Just enough pressure should be applied to each body part using your fingers to activate the skin. Avoid exerting excessive pressure or massaging their muscles because doing so could hurt or irritate them. For various body parts, you can also utilise various strokes, such as:

  • For the feet: Gently rub the soles of their feet in small circles using your thumbs. After that, give each toe a light squeeze and rub it between your fingers.
  • For the legs: Massage their legs from the ankles to the thighs using both hands. After that, gently roll and squeeze each leg between your palms.
  • For the arms: Gently massage their arms from the wrists to the shoulders using both hands. Next, gently roll each arm between your palms while squeezing it.
  • For the hands: Gently rub the palms of their hands in small circles using your thumbs. After that, give each finger a light squeeze and rub it between your fingers.
  • For the stomach: From the base of the ribs to the navel, rub their stomach with one hand. Next, form a clockwise circle with your fingertips around their abdomen. This can aid in digestion and relieve flatulence.
  • For the chest: Trace a heart-shaped pattern across their chest with both hands, beginning at the sternum and working your way up to the shoulders and back down.
  • Turn your child over and place them on their tummies for the back. From the neck to the buttocks, stroke their back with both hands. Then create a series of little circles around their spine using your fingertips.
  •  For the head: Gently cradle their head in one hand while massaging their forehead, temples, cheeks, chin, ears, and scalp with the other.

Step 4: Ending by giving a kiss and a hug

Wrap your infant in a warm blanket or towel once you’ve finished massaging each body part, and then hold them close to you. Say “I love you” to them while giving them a hug and kiss.

When To Massage Your Baby?

Do you want to know how to massage newborn? What is the best time for an oil massage for a baby? Baby massage before or after bath, which is the better massage time?As long as your infant is awake and alert, you can massage them at any time of day or night. But some appropriate instances are as follows:

When to Massage a Baby
  • After a bath: This can soothe them before night and hydrate their skin.
  • Just before a nap: This can help children relax and get ready to sleep.
  • Following a feeding: This can aid in preventing colic and easing digestion
  • During fussy times: This can calm them and help them feel more safe. 

You can give your infant a massage for as long as they want it, which could be anything from a few minutes to 30. Pay attention to their cues and halt if they show signs of boredom, agitation, or distress.

What to Avoid While a Newborn Baby Massage?

While typically safe and healthy, there are some things you should avoid when massaging your baby, such as:

  • Massaging your infant if they are ill, hurt, or have a rash or skin illness. Resuming the massage after they have fully recovered is best.
  • Newborn baby massage too soon after delivery or surgery. Before rubbing their stomach or genitalia, wait until their umbilical cord stump falls off and their circumcision heals.
  • Massaging the genitalia or nipples of your infant. Due to their high sensitivity, these locations may be uncomfortable or overstimulating.
  • Excessively rubbing your child’s head or face. These fragile parts are prone to pain and injury.
  • Baby body malish  in a chilly, busy, or bright environment may make them  disoriented or uneasy.

Baby Oil Massage Benefits

Your baby’s health and wellbeing will benefit greatly from a massage with baby oil. Several advantages include:

  • Making your infant feel loved and cared for will help you bond with them.
  • It eases your baby’s anxiety and enhances the quality of their sleep.
  • It relieves gas, cramps, colic, and constipation while promoting the health of their circulatory and digestive systems.
  • It lessens dryness and irritation by protecting and moisturising their sensitive skin.
  • It relieves teething discomfort, developing pains, and muscle tightness.

How can I massage a newborn baby?

Here are a few baby massage tips that might help you while you are massaging your baby.

Determine that your child is in a good mood and not hungry, tired, or fussy before beginning the massage. 

You may also tap them in the stomach while requesting permission by stating, “Can I give you a massage?” If they coo or smile, you may continue. You can try again later if they cry or walk away.

To massage your infant, follow the step by step baby massage

Step 1: Provide comfort for the infant. 

Lay them on their back on the towel or blanket while removing their clothing (or leaving their diaper on). Throughout the massage, make sure to keep eye contact with your infant and use a low voice. If you’d like, you can also hum or sing to them.

Step 2: Use alimentary oil

By rubbing some oil in your hands, you can warm it up. Use a little bit, and stay away from mineral oil and other inedible oils because they could hurt your baby’s stomach if they consume them. Additionally, stay away from using oils that use fragrance or oils derived from common allergens like peanuts or almonds because they might irritate your baby’s skin. 

Use Mateo baby oil that specifically designed baby’s delicate skin and moisturizes them effectively. It is a composition of apricot oil, almond oil, sesame oil and enriched with Vitamin E that is essentially good for baby skin health.

Step 3: Apply light rubbing motions.

Work your way up to your baby’s head starting with their feet. 

Just enough pressure should be applied to each body part using your fingers to activate the skin. Avoid exerting excessive pressure or massaging their muscles because doing so could hurt or irritate them. For various body parts, you can also utilize various strokes, such as:

  • For the feet: Gently rub the soles of their feet in small circles using your thumbs. After that, give each toe a light squeeze and rub it between your fingers.
  • For the legs: Massage their legs from the ankles to the thighs using both hands. After that, gently roll and squeeze each leg between your palms.
  • For the arms: Gently massage their arms from the wrists to the shoulders using both hands. Next, gently roll each arm between your palms while squeezing it.
  • For the hands: Gently rub the palms of their hands in small circles using your thumbs. After that, give each finger a light squeeze and rub it between your fingers.
  • For the stomach: From the base of the ribs to the navel, rub their stomach with one hand. Next, form a clockwise circle with your fingertips around their abdomen. This can aid in digestion and relieve flatulence.
  • For the chest: Trace a heart-shaped pattern across their chest with both hands, beginning at the sternum and working your way up to the shoulders and back down.
  • Turn your child over and place them on their tummies for the back. From the neck to the buttocks, stroke their back with both hands. Then create a series of little circles around their spine using your fingertips.
  •  For the head: Gently cradle their head in one hand while massaging their forehead, temples, cheeks, chin, ears, and scalp with the other.

Step 4: Ending by giving a kiss and a hug

Wrap your infant in a warm blanket or towel once you’ve finished massaging each body part, and then hold them close to you. Say “I love you” to them while giving them a hug and kiss.

What to Avoid while Massaging a newborn baby?

While typically safe and healthy, there are some things you should avoid when massaging your baby, such as:

  • Massaging your infant if they are ill, hurt, or have a rash or skin illness. Resuming the massage after they have fully recovered is best.
  • Massaging your newborn too soon after delivery or surgery. Before rubbing their stomach or genitalia, wait until their umbilical cord stump falls off and their circumcision heals.
  • Massaging the genitalia or nipples of your infant. Due to their high sensitivity, these locations may be uncomfortable or overstimulating.
  • Excessively rubbing your child’s head or face. These fragile parts are prone to pain and injury.
  • Baby body malish  in a chilly, busy, or bright environment may make them  disoriented or uneasy.

Baby Oil Massage Benefits

Your baby’s health and wellbeing will benefit greatly from a massage with baby oil. Several advantages include:

  • Making your infant feel loved and cared for will help you bond with them.
  • It eases your baby’s anxiety and enhances the quality of their sleep.
  • It relieves gas, cramps, colic, and constipation while promoting the health of their circulatory and digestive systems.
  • It lessens dryness and irritation by protecting and moisturizing their sensitive skin.
  • It relieves teething discomfort, developing pains, and muscle tightness. 


A wonderful technique to strengthen your relationship with your newborn child and give them many physical and psychological advantages is to massage them. You may give your infant a soothing and relaxing massage that they will enjoy by following the instructions and advice in this blog post.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

1. When is the best time to begin massaging a newborn baby?

Massage your infant as soon as they are comfortable. However, it is critical to visit your paediatrician if your infant appears to be inactive or is in pain for any reason.

2. How to massage a baby with baby massage oil?

Massage your newborn as often as they like, which might range from a few minutes to 30 minutes. Pay attention to your baby’s cues; if they show indications of boredom, irritation, or distress, it’s better to quit.

3. What are the advantages of utilising baby massage oil during a newborn baby massage?

Using infant massage oil has a variety of advantages, including:

  • Developing a stronger bond with your baby.
  • Reducing your baby’s anxiety and enhancing his or her sleep quality.
  • Relieving gas, cramps, colic, and constipation while improving circulatory and digestive health.
  • By hydrating and protecting their delicate skin, they can avoid dryness and discomfort.
  • Providing relief from teething pain, developing aches, and muscle tightness.

Nivethitha Sridharan

Nivethitha is a mother of two children and has a great interest in writing as an experienced mother. She publishes educational and interesting articles on baby care and also assists parents in selecting the finest baby products for their baby’s skin and well-being. She focuses on infant skin care and health issues. She also provides suggestions and guidance on baby care and avoids common skin disorders in newborns. Nivethitha likes studying and writing about new and innovative ideas that might assist people in finding solutions to their problems. She feels that content writing is an effective means of communicating thoughts and information to the world.