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Dos and Don't of Infant Care

Do’s and Don’t of Infant care

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An experience filled with wonder and excitement, welcoming a newborn into your life is breathtaking. However, it is also a path fraught with great responsibility. The foundation for ensuring that our children develop into healthy, well-developed adults is baby care, which is frequently compared to a delicate art form. We’ll go deeper into the crucial dos and don’ts of baby care in this touching blog.

The Do’s of Infant Care

1. Show Your Baby Lots of Love and Affection

The unending love you show your baby is the most important component of infant care. Hugs, kisses, and kind words have great value because they form the basis of a strong link between you and your child.

2. Nourishing Body and Soul

Whenever feasible, embrace breastfeeding during the first six months of your baby’s life. Breast milk isn’t merely nourishment; it’s a sacred connection, delivering vital nutrients and invaluable antibodies that bolster your baby’s budding immune system. 

3. Maintaining Proper Hygiene

  • Do wash your hands thoroughly before handling your baby: This small yet vital action significantly diminishes the risk of germ transmission.
  • Do clean your baby’s face, hands, and diaper area regularly: Employ gentle baby soap and warm water for this routine.
  • Do keep your baby’s surroundings clean: Routinely sanitizing toys and surfaces your baby comes into contact with fosters a healthy environment.

4. Safe Sleep Practices

  • Do put your baby to sleep on their back: This position greatly reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  • Do use a firm mattress: Ensuring your baby sleeps on a secure, comfortable surface is paramount.
  • Do keep the baby products like crib free of pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals: These seemingly cozy items can pose suffocation hazards, warranting their removal.

5. Regular Paediatrician Visits

Scheduled check-ups and timely vaccinations are your roadmap to monitoring your baby’s health and development. Your paediatrician serves as your trusted partner in this crucial journey.

6. Choose Baby Care Products Specifically Crafted for Babies

Babies have sensitive skin compared to adults. It is essential to take care of babies with the best baby care products designed for them. Having navigated the intricate landscape of baby care, I fully comprehend the importance of choosing gentle, safe baby care products. In this journey, I have found Mateo baby products to be steadfast companions. Their hypoallergenic baby soap and natural ingredients offer the tender care and protection that my baby deserves. I trust Mateo baby products as they are pH 5.5 balanced and dermatologically certified baby products.

The Don’ts of Infant Care plan

1. Protecting the Vulnerable

  • Don’t expose your baby to smoke: Secondhand smoke poses severe health risks.
  • Don’t use harsh cleaning products: Opt for baby-friendly, non-toxic alternatives that safeguard your baby’s delicate system.

2. Gentle Cleansing

  • Don’t bath your baby too frequently: 2-3 times a week is adequate to maintain cleanliness without stripping away natural oils.
  • Don’t use adult soaps or shampoos: Stick to mild, baby-specific products that cater to their sensitive skin.

3. Steering Clear of Unsafe Sleeping Practices

  • Don’t co-sleep with your baby: While it may seem comforting, it can be hazardous.
  • Don’t employ crib bumpers, pillows, or loose bedding: These seemingly innocuous items pose suffocation risks.
  • Don’t put your baby to sleep with a bottle: This habit can lead to dental issues and ear infections.

4. Guiding with Love

  • Don’t resort to physical punishment: Infants require gentle guidance and understanding.
  • Don’t shake your baby: Shaken Baby Syndrome can result in severe consequences, both physically and emotionally.

5. Limit Screen Time

  • Don’t expose your baby to screens before age two: Instead, prioritize face-to-face interaction and real-world exploration.
  • Don’t rely on screens as a babysitter: Engaging with your baby through play and conversation fosters healthy development.

Crafting Your Unique Infant Care Journey

Each baby is as unique as a snowflake, and there exists no one-size-fits-all approach to infant care. Trust your instincts as a parent; you are uniquely equipped to understand your baby’s needs and preferences. Craft a personalised infant care plan that aligns with your family’s values and requirements. Seek guidance and support from loved ones and online parent communities; their collective wisdom can be an invaluable resource during this extraordinary journey.


Infant care is an odyssey characterised by love, lessons, and nurturing. By adhering to these do’s and don’ts, and by embracing trusted products like Mateo baby products, we can create a loving and secure environment in which our little ones can thrive and flourish. Here’s to the magnificent adventure of motherhood and the precious moments that define it!

Nivethitha Sridharan

Nivethitha is a mother of two children and has a great interest in writing as an experienced mother. She publishes educational and interesting articles on baby care and also assists parents in selecting the finest baby products for their baby’s skin and well-being. She focuses on infant skin care and health issues. She also provides suggestions and guidance on baby care and avoids common skin disorders in newborns. Nivethitha likes studying and writing about new and innovative ideas that might assist people in finding solutions to their problems. She feels that content writing is an effective means of communicating thoughts and information to the world.